Tuesday, August 25, 2009

testing testing...this will be our new blog for our time in Montreal..please check back often for pics and new stories...i'll have alot oftime on my hands i think so i'm already making a list of cathedrals and museums to visit

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

going to update...

so i'm going to try to keep more of an updated blog...but i dont have time right now...hahah

Saturday, October 28, 2006

A farewell Barbecue!

Brian's school had a barbecue on Friday to say goodbye and tell him how much they appreciated his work there! It was so fun to get to see all the parents and kids. The food...as always was fabulous. The pastor here grills a mean pork! It was delicious...So here's some pics...see ya'lls soon!

PS...if you haven't heard it yet... check out weird al's "White and Nerdy" Cracks me up... www.myspace.com/weirdal

Monday, October 23, 2006

The final Countdown

We're down to the final week ya'lls! I can't believe it's almost here and we're so much more than ready to be on that plane home! It has been a great experience for the most part, but we're ready for our "real life" to begin. That's what it kinda feels like over here....you're life is on hold while you do your daily tasks and look forward to the day you can leave this place. But i won't get too cynical or jaded in this post...I'll save it for later...once i've had a chance to mull over more these thoughts in my head! Can't wait to see you all!!! :)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

13 Days

So, friends, how goes it? We only have 13 more days left in South Korea until we board our plane to head home! It's crazy to think that it's almost over. It doesn't feel like it will really happen, like a cruel joke. But I hope everything will work out as planned. :) Today is Brian's Birthday! He's 24 today!! We're getting older...that's weird. Mine is coming too...Brian's is 2 weeks and one day older than me! So, nothing much has been going on. We've been getting all our stuff mailed home. We got to buy a new computer from Apple for Brian's birthday and he's so excited to get home to set it up!

Anyways, there's not much going on here...just the anticipation! Much love!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Wrapping Up.

So my classes are beginning to wrap up. There's a big holiday next week and then we leave shortly after so some of my classes are quiting early. So yesterday one of my classes had a pizza party...here's some pictures. Later!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

it's been a long time

It's been a long time since i've written to ya'lls! Nothing much is goin on here. We're really focused on finishing our time here. Really going day to day. Working really hard but ultimately keeping our eye on the end. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but we're just sooooo ready to come home that there's really nothing else going on. Also we've been sick, a kid got sick, then brian got sick and then i got sick....and when i get sick i stay sick. Brian was sick for about 3 days...i've been sick now for about 2 weeks. But I've always been like that with respiratory crap.

So we moved the date that we're coming home. It's going to be October 31st at 4:30pm at Memphis International Airport.

Our plan is to be staying in Jackson and Brian will commute to Memphis a few days a week to do his gradschool work (he doesn't have to go everyday). Ultimately we (meaning me~hahaha just kidding) are more comfortable living in Jackson. We have a lot of family there, My fam, Brian's brother, sister-in-law, and a new niece! And we really love the church we had been attending before we left "All Saints."
Well, there's really nothing more to say. We're so happy to be home for my birthday~the day after we get back and especially Thanksgiving... mmmmmmm

Bye everyone...we'd love to hear how you are doing!